Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Personal Progress Faith Value Project Update

I decided that I need more supplies and money in order to do a winter garden.  My goal is to receive my Personal Progress about the same time that my daughter Cordelia does so I need to do something different.  I decided that I would do a family website.  This is a scary and new venture for me.  I am going to fill the pages with faith type experiences.  I am also going to establish a system  and use it to teach my children responsibility!  Wish me luck!!!


  1. Christine I really enjoyed you Posts for December. I appreciate your words and applaud your efforts. Keep up the good work.

    Your friend,
    Ruth Christensen

  2. Thank you Ruth!! I am learning a lot and finding fulfillment also. I think you have plenty to write about yourself girl. You are a wise and wonderful example. I would love to post anything you would like to send me!! mommycacher@gmail.com.
    I hope all is going well for you!! I think of you and your family often.
    Your friend always,


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