Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I worked really hard to get the laundry space I have to get it organized and it was wonderful.  
AWWW.  It was Nice....
Then two days later a couple of my girls decided to change some things about the area, knocking over dressers and adding other furniture to the space.  
All I could think was, as my Grandma would say, 
I was defeated.  
Let's not focus on the martyred feelings I had to fight.


That was a month ago.  
I hope by the end of the week to have things put back together yet again but ultimately that is not the problem.  
I'm working on getting the 10 year old's and older to do their own laundry but I need to change myself first.
In order to stay on top of my laundry at my house I need to do 2 loads of laundry a day.
I'm pretty good about getting those two loads in the washing machine and one into the dryer but that's where my habit stops. 
Truth be told, I should celebrate that small step because I need all the successes I can get.  
So here goes....
"Yeah...I start 2 loads of laundry every day!"
In order to be a better example for my children I will 
1. Celebrate working on laundry 
       2. Finish 2 loads of laundry a day.
In Honor of improving my "finish my load of laundry" habit I thought I'd share this song.
This is my focus for the month of November.  I hope to report back at the end of it and say it is a habit now. 

Report of ChristineJamesZestQuest Goals for Oct 2012
*Help children earn $500 to pay for registration for 4 of my children and myself to go to Washington D.C.
I didn't do much with this until this morning.  We are working on a fundraiser with the school that will be turned in next week.  
We will be hosting a car wash on the 12th of Nov. 
*Establish and make my morning routine a habit
Taking out the trash and starting a load of laundry became a stronger habit
*Learn more about BlogTalkRadio to prepare for show launch in December
I feel very much out of my element with this project but I have learned a lot.  I'm getting there.
*Create a Logo for ChristineJamesZestQuest
I ordered a logo through it
*Have a Jingle created for ChristineJamesZestQuest
I ordered this from customdrumloops on it--My kids run around singing it.  They think it's awesome that their mommy's name is in it.  
*Have an itunes podcast account set up for ChristineJamesZestQuest
*Get a schedule with confirmed interviews for ChristineJamesZestQuest for Dec. and January
I wrote down who I wanted and contacted one person.  I'm having to get brave.
*Write in book everyday
Did not write in book at all.  But listened to a creative writing course offered at BYU by Branden Sanderson.  I learned tons.  I hope to implement the ideas.
*Write on blog everyday consider sharing to google plus.  Sometimes share on facebook
I've  posted almost every day on blog.  I've created a business page on facebook.  It's a bit scary to put yourself out there.  I posted a couple of times to google plus.  I've decided to use twitter as a platform as well.  
ChristineJamesZestQuest Goals for Nov 2012
*Help children earn $500 to pay for registration for 4 of my children and myself to go to Washington D.C.
     -Help at the car wash on the 12.
     -Do a window washing/bake sale fundraiser.  Call and get permission.
*Establish and make my morning routine a habit
     -Don't just start the load of laundry; finish it.  :) 
*Learn more about BlogTalkRadio to prepare for show launch in December
     -Continue to learn
     -Set a date
     -Do a couple of practice shows
*Get a schedule with confirmed interviews for ChristineJamesZestQuest for Dec. and January
     -Set up for week 1- The A.V. Creche Festival
     -Set up for week 2-Family Traditions
     -Set up for week 3-Musical Talent
     -Set up for week 4&5 series on the Life of Christ in the Bible
     -Week 1 in Jan-Achieving Goals
     -Week 2 in Jan-Musical Talent
     -Week 3 in Jan-In celebration of the Presidential Inauguration-Freedoms
     -Week 4 in Jan-My customdrumloops friend
     -Week 5 in Jan-Organization
*Write in book everyday
     -Create my conflicts
     -Write every day
*Write on blog every day consider sharing to google plus.  Share on facebook and Twitter
     -Use the 15 min. rule for my social networking.  Allow 15 more minutes for Facebook.
     -Create a YouTube video to go along with the jingle that was created.  Have my kids in it.
     -Create a Vision Statement and make sure that my Branding is Clear and Concise.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"Hope has the power 
to fill our lives with Happiness."
"We learn to cultivate hope the same way we learn  to walk...
one step at a time"
"Never give in.  Never Surrender.  
Never allow dispair to overcome your spirit."
---Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Monday, October 29, 2012

This Hope--Break My Plans

I love the reason behind this song

Do your plans need to be broken?
Choose to let your plans be raised to the same level as God's plan for you.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Free Time Out For Women Event

Do you want to attend a 
Time Out For Women Event

I do.  Come with me.
Follow the link to register.
These events are a wonderful boost.

FYI:  Time out for Women will be held in Pasadena, California on April 12-13, 2013
Let me know if you are interested in receiving more information about the Pasadena event and I will put you on my email list to send you information as I receive it.  I am helping at the event so I have a little bit of an insider scoop.  Set your calendar.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Where is your playground?  
Have you visited lately?

     I just went on a tour of the desert in front of my home, courtesy of my youngest two children.  They were enthralled and imaginative showing me all the hills, plane wings, slides, stairs, diving boards, bugs, and poo that they didn't realize were out there (they are 3 and 5 mind you). They showed me "The king", bike desert road, the dry lake bed they like to go to for picnics, and also the secret tunnel that leads to daddy's work.  It was a nonstop tour of constant explanation of the world around them. They collected two rusted cans, a beer bottle (that wasn't broken mind you; in which  they were surprised), a springy thing that was wrapped around a stick, and three sticks that gave us the direction  to take on our tour.  They couldn't part with these treasures so they gave them to "housey".  After all, our house celebrates it's birthday every day.
     I came home being filled with their excitement. I threw the beer bottle away saying, "housey didn't want us to get hurt", and was determined to have the same joy in my playground. With my morning routine done I did just that.  I love what I do.  I enjoy the creative juices that flow.  I love the peace and the "take me to another world" feel I get when I'm in it.  I love the things I'm learning.  I love that I can be a source of upliftment. I loved my different playgrounds as a child. I played good and hard. I'm thankful for my children who show me how to play.  I am sometimes giddy in my current playgrounds and I am grateful to have them.
     How about you?  
Where is your playground?  Have you visited lately?  

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

                       Free Fireside in Utah
Dr. Daniel C. Peterson will present a talk entitled “How Could Joseph Know All This?” on Thursday, Oct. 25th at 7 p.m

Those interested in attending should be in their seats by 6:55 p.m. at Covenant Communications (Digital Source Studio), 920 E. State Road, American Fork. (No children, please.)

Check out this site for more information

Saturday, October 20, 2012

We buried "I can't" at our house.
We need to have another birth; twins.  
(with 11 children born to us, you might scoff)
The names will be 
"I can" and "I will".

Friday, October 19, 2012

Can you say "I'll be back" like Arnold?
Arnold Schwarzenegger  speaks with google play about his life
I recommend listening to the minutes between 17 and 20.  There are some swear words (I apologize) on other segments of the show.  He speaks of making your visions into realities.
He uses the analogy of reps used in body building. :)
My favorite was when he said, "....It's always people who are willing to get in the trenches...Utilize the 18 hours well...If you have a very clear vision of where you want to go and if you're willing to put work get there and turn this vision into reality.  We can accomplish basically anything you want cause you are in the right place. America, it gives you all the opportunities in the world.  I've seen it first hand."

  Some of us might be able to pull off his accent and tone level;  we used to love saying it as a kid.
I refer back to the title, Can you say "I'll be back." like Arnold? Will you keep coming?  Will you keep reaching for your goals, your passions?
My challenge to you every time you stumble, is to say,  "I'll be back!" Schwarzenegger style.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The ending to The Wheel of Time Series

The Wheel of Time Series has been a topic of conversation in my family for years now.  
Brandon Sanderson finished Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series

Congratulations to Brandon, his family, and to the Robert Jordan's family and fans!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today is your day

I love this song.  I woke up feeling a little overwhelmed so I went to one of my "go to" songs.  

Last week I posted a portion of the article by N. Eldon Tanner originally printed in the 1975 New Era 
This part of his article was very comforting for me today as I struggled with motivation to keep on pushing through. 
I hope it helps you as well.

Make Your Day
I knew a young woman who was taught the gospel and who wanted to join the Church but who was having trouble with the Word of Wisdom. She used cigarettes and coffee, and the thought of never having another cigarette or cup of coffee in her whole life overwhelmed her. One of the missionaries told her to try it for just one day and then just one more day. She found that by living it a day at a time she could make it, and she was soon baptized. The same would be true in changing any bad habit for a good one.
The greatest blessing one can enjoy in life is to go to bed at night with a clear conscience, knowing that he or she has lived that day in harmony with the teachings of the Savior and has accomplished the work assigned to him or her to do.
So we come now to the first day of the rest of our lives. With discipline and determination let us make it a good year and a good life for us and for our families and neighbors. It is desirable to begin each new day with resolves such as these or some others of your own choosing.

Just for Today

    I will seek my Heavenly Father in earnest prayer. I will listen for the promptings of the Spirit to guide me.
    I will express my love for God and His Son, Jesus Christ, in prayer and will show my love for Them through service to my fellowmen.
    I will study and strive for more understanding of the gospel.
    I will seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
    I will listen to and heed the counsel of God’s prophet. I will keep the covenants and commandments.
    I will teach someone about the gospel by word or by example.
    I will observe the standards of the Church.
    I will express through word and deed my love for my family.
    I will be honest in all my dealings.
    I will prepare myself for the tasks that have been assigned to me.
    I will do a kind deed for someone this day.
    I will express appreciation and gratitude for all blessings.
    I will be loyal where I should be loyal.

Take Care of your dreams

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today My Life Begins - Bruno Mars (Lyrics) [HD]

I love this song.  It should be part of my morning routine to listen to this.

President N. Eldon Tanner wrote an article that has helped me titled,  "Today I will"

Practice Makes Perfect

How do we keep ourselves headed in the right path for the achievement of our goals and eventual eternal life? Only by disciplining ourselves and by repenting each day of those old habits or weaknesses that will keep us from reaching our God-given potential and destiny. We know that we have to work constantly to attain anything worthwhile in life.
Before entering a tournament a golfer will practice a single shot by the hour. Musicians, artists, and public speakers all must work and practice to become proficient. How much more important it is for us to make preparations to be about the work of our Heavenly Father, who has placed us here for a wise and glorious purpose.
As we reflect on the value of resolving to do better, let us determine to discipline ourselves to carefully select the resolutions we make, to consider the purpose for making them, and finally to make commitments for keeping them and not letting any obstacle stop us. Let us remind ourselves at the beginning of each day that we can keep a resolution just for that day. As we do this it gets easier and easier until it becomes a habit.

ChristineJamesZestQuest Goals for Oct 2012
*Help children earn $500 to pay for registration for 4 of my children and myself to go to Washington D.C.
*Establish and make my morning routine a habit
*Learn more about BTR to prepare for show launch in December
*Create a Logo for ChristineJamesZestQuest
*Have a Jingle created for ChristineJamesZestQuest
*Have an itunes podcast account set up for ChristineJamesZestQuest
*Get a schedule with confirmed interviews for ChristineJamesZestQuest for Dec. and January
*Write in book everyday
*Write on blog everyday consider sharing to google plus.  Sometimes share on facebook

What song motivates you?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Changes in EFY

There is new stuff happening in the world of EFY
Check out the site and see if your family can participate.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Age of missionary service has changed for L.D.S.


      My husband and I returned home after attending volleyball games that some of my children are involved in.  My eldest daughter said that there was some exciting news that was announced at the general conference held by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on Oct. 6th and 7th, 2012. She revealed the exciting news to our other children but would not tell her father or me.  We tried guessing as we pulled up the conference.  
     My husband and I are thrilled.  Just as my children are.  This has also caused them to ponder their future plans.  It's been fun to listen to them figure things out. This means that in 3 years and one month from the date of announcement we could have our oldest daughter and son serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is actually quite possible that in three years we could have 2 children serving full time missions at the same time for the following decade.  