Monday, November 28, 2011

Personal Progress Faith Value#7 How Tithing and Lilies Relate

Personal Progress Faith Value #7
How Tithing and Lilies Relate

When I struggle I often think of the scripture Mathew 6:28. "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:"   I am reminded that I am being taken care of.
When I hope for miracles I often sing the beautiful song written by Roger Hoffman.  It's comforting and inspiring. The story that inspired his writing is magnificent. If you go to you can read the story and get copies of the music.
The payment of tithing is a common law in some religions and I have come to understand that the miracles that have occurred in my life can be attributed to the payment of such.   
Tithing has always been a fairly easy commandment for us. There have been times in my life, however, when we were rushing out the door and forgot the check. Or I didn't do the bills so the check wasn't written and then forgot the checkbook. You might say it's silly but it has happened so much that I have noticed a difference when we haven't turned it in. Paying our tithing forces us to pay attention to our budget. Again, you may say, that this is silly but It's easy to overspend if we are not paying attention. This is an obvious blessing in my life for I hate paying overdraft fees.
There are many ways I have learned as my schedule has become so full to make paying tithing easier.
Here are a few of them:
-Get in the habit of paying tithing first.
-Write the check and put it in envelopes that you have brought home and put in your scriptures or church bag. (I don't know how many times I have brought the check to church but was so busy during that I forgot to fill out the envelope. My husband is now Bishop so I fill the check and envelope out and put it in the Bishop's file that we have set aside for him at home giving me no reason for that excuse anymore.)
-You can mail them. (I'm surprised how many people do that.)
-You can have the money come out of your check automatically each paycheck. You don't hardly notice the 10 percent gone.
We have been blessed when we needed things:
-Coats were dropped off by the "coat fairy".
-A large collection of barely warn Vans that fit my two daughters and myself. (This blessing came 30 mins. after I prayed to Heavenly Father asking him to help me find a way to buy school shoes for my girls)
-Hand me Downs.
-A new bed mattress. (Our old one was scratching us because the wires were poking through.)
-$1,000 (the giver felt like he needed to give this to us without a return of it expected. I did not know until a few days later that I had made a big mistake in our budget and the money covered it.)
-ironing board.
-A box of socks and undies for the little ones.
-Food brought by when it seemed so desperate.
The list would be longer if I would only take the time.
I know that these things have been little and large blessings that have come because we have paid our tithing.
I realize that people struggle with paying tithing for various reasons. I don't know much about other peoples challenges in it but I do know that we have been blessed tremendously over the years for paying. Not every prayer or yearning financially has been granted but I can tell you that the majority of them have. To some these experiences might seem trite but to me they have shouted loudly the love that Heavenly Father has for me.

Faith Vaulue #5 My feelings for a perfect and all loving Savior

Personal Progress Faith Value #5
My feelings for a perfect and all loving Savior
Friday, 4 November 2011 8:43 AM

                     Picture by Juan R. Lascorz permission from Wikipedia-yoke

There is truly no way to fully express what I feel the Savior has done for me.

There have been moments when as a young child, and unsure of what to do, my siblings and I would pray vocally and silently for guidance or comfort. There was one experience where we were alone and walking in the summer desert heat to our grandparents home. We had about 3-4 miles of walking left ahead of us. We were very frightened and had several people offer rides to us. We didn't accept because we didn't know them. We were counseled from them to stay by the road and watch out for snakes. Our little sister was crying and being carried by children no older than 5 years her elder. We were afraid we wouldn't arrive before dark.  When you’re young you think of the boogy man and coyotes and any other crazy possible (or impossible) thing. Thank goodness our parents taught us to pray because we did, and asked for protection and peace. Then we had a car stop and they told us they were missionaries from our very own church. Oh, the relief we felt. I remember talking to my brother about feeling peace with accepting their ride. I recognize that the possibility of such a miracle might seem too grand to some but I view that as one of my first experiences where I knew we were being watched and cared for.

I remember asking Heavenly Father to help my brain to enlarge and take in the things I was learning in school.

I've asked for forgiveness in the way I treated roommates or friends.

I've had moments of despair where I wondered if I was a lost cause.

As an adult I have many examples of calling on my Father in Heaven for comfort from worries and concerns. I've prayed and hoped for my family members to make the needed changes. I pray continually that Heavenly Father will make up for my lack as a mother. I plead for relief from the frustration and turmoil I sometimes feel from uncaring family members or adults. I plead that I will see people the way God sees them. I pray that I can be more than I am. I now mostly pray that my desires for my life will be the same as my Father in Heaven's will.

I am struggling right now with understanding what it means to "take his yoke upon him....and my burden will be light...". So when I pray, I tell our Father that I'm trying to exercise this principle but I'm not sure exactly how. I ask Him to help me figure it out and to have success in it.

I've asked Him to take away an emotional and physical ailment in which I had no understanding. He did. It returned but I was strong enough to take the steps in finding the problem and the patience to work with the doctors in correcting it.

He has helped me deal with the mental and physical fatigue and frustration from being on bed rest for 11 pregnancies.

I'm continually finding things in my life in need of the atonement. I'm often overwhelmed at all the embarrassment, pain, anguish, worry, anger, and fear that I personally have handed over to my Savior.
I am grateful beyond words for our perfect and all loving Savior. I hope that I can be of some assistance to Him in our Heavenly Father's Plan.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Personal Progress Faith Value #3
Sabbath Day Observance and Tithing

picture from

I read in the Bible Dictionary under Faith. There were a couple of things that stood out to me that I'm not sure I understood before; 1. Miracles do not produce Faith yet they confirm ones faith. 2. True Faith must be based upon correct knowledge or it cannot produce the desired results. 3. An actual knowledge that the course of life one is pursuing is acceptable to the Lord.

I have used faith in all the principles listed above (prayer, tithing, fasting, repentance, and keeping the Sabbath day holy.) but I want to share one that I learned on a personal level years ago. I just turned 18 in my last semester in my High School career.  I was accepted to college and I needed money. I live in a tiny community and there is not a lot of opportunity for work. I asked for an application to a privately owned fast food place.  My mom had worked for the owners years ago as a waitress and I thought that I might have an advantage because of it. I was filling out the application and I came to the part that said what hours I would accept. I was told by a very close relation in my life that if I wanted a position I would need to put down that I would work anytime including Sunday. I remember that being a struggle for me.

I needed the job but I knew the commandment of keeping the Sabbath holy. My future father in law, who also happened to be my home teacher came to me and knew that I was looking for work and counseled me not to work on Sunday. This was a tough one for me but I was obedient to my home teacher because I knew him to be a righteous man with a great family. I remember being prayerful for what I believed would be a miracle.
I got the job even though the owner was hesitant because of the no Sunday rule. I was pretty excited and shared it with everyone that knew of the situation. I thought that was a blessing for my faith.
Then the first schedule was posted and I was listed as working on Sunday. Wow! I was frustrated. It was very clear that the no Sunday rule bothered my boss and I was even told that the only reason I got the job was because my mom was such a good worker for her. (Thanks Mom!) Anyway, I didn't know how to handle this. One solution was to tell her that I would not work on Sunday and another would be to just work on that Sunday and tell her that there would be no more. I finally came to the conclusion that I had to find someone else to work for me and remind my boss of our conversation.

Now, I was not as bold or as confident as I am now and suffice it to say, I was very anxious about confronting her. It was not pleasant and I'm pretty sure that she must have thought I was some pompous twit. Faithfully, I stood my ground and I think she scheduled me one more time, in which I found someone else to work, but it never happened after that.

I have looked back at that turning point in my life. I can even recall the pleased or proud look that came over my home teachers face. That look has meant so much to me over the years. It was clear to me that my Heavenly Father was pleased with me.
Indeed, the miracle happened to confirm my faith. It also gave me the courage and conviction to let that be my standard.

When I married my home teachers first son it was a building block upon which we have based our life. He purposely avoided the jobs that would cause him to work on Sunday which meant he missed out on promotions. We have never regretted it and have always been blessed.

I have another close relation who has struggled with paying tithing. It involves overcoming a deep fear of not having enough food in the fridge for her children. She experienced this as a young teenager and vowed she would never allow this to happen to her children.
She has finally made the choice that wasn't even a consideration for her for many years and yet after a large decrees in money she has dug up enough faith to pay her tithing.
I can't express the joy I have for her. I know she has more faith than me in this regard; I've just always paid my tithing.

I also wanted to share something I learned this weekend at a Time Out For Women: Faith is power.
Faith is wanting what God wants for me. The Optimist Experiment is the same as the Faith Experiment. Pray, Think, and Live with Faith. If I make sure that the thing I'm asking for is right then the Faith comes in and takes over. Our family decided for FHE to keep track of our Positive thoughts and what a difference it has made in me already.

I've had a secret wish that I've held since I was in college. My husband came home and told me of a private conversation he had with our Stake President telling my husband to prepare for something. He is to prepare for my secret wish. The S.P. knew nothing of my wish and so I know God was telling me he heard my prayers and was willing to bless my faith. Knowing the course in life in which I'm pursuing is acceptable to God; I can live more zealously in Faith. Sweet! Sweet!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

I finished the Personal Progress Faith Value Experiences.

It wasn't too difficult; I only needed to be persistent!!
I now need to do the Value Project.  I am going to build a small winter garden!  It will be a learning experience for me.
Wish me more persistence.  :)