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I'm going to pick one word out of each set of scripture that touched me as I read them.
I liked the last statement that reads, "WE CALL UPON responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.". I felt that as a woman whom the proclamation already stated is divine, I need to promote families.
In the Merriam-Webster dictionary promote means to contribute to or help launch or to present. It makes me sad to think that it is not just a given that families are important. We apparently have to promote because the world doesn't see the God given plan and gift we have by having families. The proclamation declares that, "God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife." I helped in the grass roots effort for California's Proposition 8 a few years ago so I feel like that has been something I've helped promote for the benefit of families. I feel like there is so much more I can do. One way I hope to do this is by building up mothers. I feel that mothers are not held in high enough regard. I don't feel like motherhood is promoted enough nor is enough opportunity for education available on mothering. I have a blog titled mommycacher. It's a gift that I hope to give to my children and other mothers. I intend to put interviews of women on their as well. I have chosen to be a part of the Power of Moms Organization. Their subtitle is "A Gathering Place For Deliberate Mothers." I love it. There are excellent articles, resources, and videos on how to improve our lives. We can learn to be more organized. We can create "learning circles" which is a group of women gathering to learn monthly. They have helped organize workshops and retreats in order to train mothers. It's going to be great for me to be a part of this and I think that I'll be able to help. I plan on attending the retreat in So. California at the end of Jan. 2012. I intend on becoming a trainer for the Power of Moms. I'm so excited and believe that this is the route that I am to take right now and the best way I can promote families.
2 Peter Chpt. 1:
This chapter is full of characteristics of divine nature and I loved the word diligence. Again in the Webster-Merriam Dictionary, diligence means, persevering application or assiduity. Boy do I need to be more assiduous. There are times that I give up on a plan of action because it is so difficult. After a time of gathering more determination I try again. I need to figure out a way to fill my determination bucket at the same time that I'm being diligent. Sometimes my persevering application comes out as nagging or anger. I need to also remember that I am to be patient, long suffering and kind. Even to myself and my efforts. Whew! There are so many things to remember but maybe understanding what it takes for me to be diligent will help me be more so.
Alma 7:23-24:
Temperate in all things. Hmmm. I like the definition from Merriam-Webster: "moderate in indulgence of appetite or desire. Mild" There are times that I get so focused on something that I want that I can not see clearly to doing anything else. Whether it has to do with the amount or type of food I eat to the type or amount of clothing I buy my children it is a characteristic I wish to develop more.
Doctrine & Covenants 121:45:
Confidence. In the dictionary confidence means, "faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way.". The footnote for confidence says it's Trust in God. I took out the word confidence in the scripture and replaced it with the footnote. The scripture now says, "Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy "trust in God" wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven." If I do what this scripture says then I will have confidence in God that he will grant me the blessings and sweetest desires of my heart. I don't know about you but I'd rather trust in God more than myself anyway; It means so much more to me now.
I hope to be a promoter of families, more diligent, temperate, and confident in God. I hope to be a lot more than that but this is a great start.
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