Friday, December 30, 2011

The 4 day challenge to a Merry Christmas

Hello everyone,
I am blown away by the schedule of this month.  It has been so crazy!!
It has been wonderful when I've taken the time to feel my Savior's love for me and recognize it for others also.  Sometimes when I need to feel his love I sing a Primary song titled, " Heavenly Father, Now I Pray" on page 19 of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Primary songbook.  It's short but it seems to be my little direct avenue to Him.  My way of letting Him know I need Him and His tender comfort.  He sends it every time.
The words are:

Heavenly Father, now I pray
guide and guard me everyday.
Help me feel thy love for me.
This I humbly ask of thee.

My family was recently challenged by our Home Teachers to only show our gratitude during our personal prayers and see the difference it would make in our ourselves.  It was only for a period of 4 days until Christmas and right away I was struck by the amount of times I reach out for my Father in Heaven for strength or knowledge.   I needed to find shoes (a continuous battle at our house), I wanted help to restore peace to our home, the list is huge.  So, in order to try to only show gratitude, I found myself stopping the silent requests, sometimes in the middle of it, and sharing my gratitude for at least the fact that we have shoes for 13 people, and grateful that we have all the people in our home to love.  I'll admit, there were times that I had to be very creative in the way I spoke my gratitude.  I also admit, that there were many times that I wanted to ignore my Home Teachers' challenge.
My understanding of the great love My Savior and Father in Heaven has for me increased tremendously for I was reminded constantly during this exercise.  I lost track of how many times I stopped myself mid request.
Even though, I recognize I need to humbly show more gratitude I am pleased that I feel comfortable enough to share my concerns and plead for help in my every day endeavors and recognize the greatness of His love for little 'ol me.
I love my Heavenly Father and Brother.  I am so grateful that Father sent His Son willingly.  I am grateful that Christ gave His life and gives His love.
I pray that my children and loved ones will gain the understanding and gratitude that came my way through what has become my 4 day challenge to a Merry Christmas.
        I love you and wish you a very Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Personal Progress Faith Value Project Update

I decided that I need more supplies and money in order to do a winter garden.  My goal is to receive my Personal Progress about the same time that my daughter Cordelia does so I need to do something different.  I decided that I would do a family website.  This is a scary and new venture for me.  I am going to fill the pages with faith type experiences.  I am also going to establish a system  and use it to teach my children responsibility!  Wish me luck!!!

Divine Nature Journal Entry Value #6

Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. I've always wanted to be a peacemaker. It's typically a pretty easy thing for me but there are times and situations that I am really bad at it. In fact, I'm at the point that makes me believe that I have no talent in it at all. 
I have lost all patience for a dirty home. It drives me crazy that I can't seem to get kids to put things away. I have learned that there are several habits that I could have established differently in order to help. 1. Prioritizing and making time for the kids to put their shoes or clothes away before the next task instead of leaving them on the floor. 
I used to think that if we had a bigger house then they would be able to do it easier. The simple truth is; the habit is not there. It makes me feel sad. I feel that a simple task like this should have been learned years ago. I feel like a failure in this and so when I walk around and see that yet again, the shoes and clothes are not put away, my confidence and determination goes to the wayside. This is when I start barking orders or demanding results without the kindness that should go along with it. 
I'm trying to help the kids establish a routine. I know some of my kids are catching on and they are the organized type. They are the ones that love order. The others are simply not disciplined or responsible enough yet. I'll keep on keeping on. Hopefully, by the time they go on their missions or go to college they'll be ready to not be a nuisance to their roommates.
I hope that I'll continue to improve in my responsibility to teach my children and be patient as they learn basic habits. This will help me be the peacemaker I need to be for my family.

Divine Nature Journal Entry Value #5
I have taken great care to do the things that my Father in Heaven wants of me. It has been a very difficult thing for me to do at times. I have had good ideas of what I should do with myself and at times I have received a "no" answer, not knowing why. I have been obedient even when I wanted to do the exact opposite. I had faith in my Father and I will say, however, that it made it easier because I had already decided that I would be obedient. I will not allow myself to think that I know better than God. I remember a time before my husband and I were married that we were going to be obedient and remain chaste. We knew that the prophets counsel was wise. We followed it. We made decisions that protected us from failure. We were able to be sealed in the temple together forever. It was not always easy but it was worth it.
As a parent I am doing my best to teach my children the importance of obedience. I believe that if they can decide to be obedient to me then they will be obedient to our Father in Heaven. It's tough to do things that you don't want to but if you have enough faith it is possible.
We have been using the trigger word ,"please" to remind the kids to be obedient. Some of my children are responding to the trigger word with obedience by immediately responding, "Yes, Mom" and doing it. Sometimes, crying as they leave. Obedience, it is though. Others of my children still argue with me. Thinking that their way is better. I worry for them and have hope that they will improve.

Divine Nature Journal Entry Value #1
I read “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (see page 101); 2 Peter 1; Alma 7:23–24; and Doctrine and Covenants 121:45 for my assignment. There are many divine characteristics that available to us. Many seem to be a natural way for some people. Other characteristics are those that seem to take much effort to develop.
I'm going to pick one word out of each set of scripture that touched me as I read them.
I liked the last statement that reads, "WE CALL UPON responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.". I felt that as a woman whom the proclamation already stated is divine, I need to promote families.
In the Merriam-Webster dictionary promote means to contribute to or help launch or to present. It makes me sad to think that it is not just a given that families are important. We apparently have to promote because the world doesn't see the God given plan and gift we have by having families. The proclamation declares that, "God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife." I helped in the grass roots effort for California's Proposition 8 a few years ago so I feel like that has been something I've helped promote for the benefit of families. I feel like there is so much more I can do. One way I hope to do this is by building up mothers. I feel that mothers are not held in high enough regard. I don't feel like motherhood is promoted enough nor is enough opportunity for education available on mothering. I have a blog titled mommycacher. It's a gift that I hope to give to my children and other mothers. I intend to put interviews of women on their as well. I have chosen to be a part of the Power of Moms Organization. Their subtitle is "A Gathering Place For Deliberate Mothers." I love it. There are excellent articles, resources, and videos on how to improve our lives. We can learn to be more organized. We can create "learning circles" which is a group of women gathering to learn monthly. They have helped organize workshops and retreats in order to train mothers. It's going to be great for me to be a part of this and I think that I'll be able to help. I plan on attending the retreat in So. California at the end of Jan. 2012. I intend on becoming a trainer for the Power of Moms. I'm so excited and believe that this is the route that I am to take right now and the best way I can promote families.
2 Peter Chpt. 1:
This chapter is full of characteristics of divine nature and I loved the word diligence. Again in the Webster-Merriam Dictionary, diligence means, persevering application or assiduity. Boy do I need to be more assiduous. There are times that I give up on a plan of action because it is so difficult. After a time of gathering more determination I try again. I need to figure out a way to fill my determination bucket at the same time that I'm being diligent. Sometimes my persevering application comes out as nagging or anger. I need to also remember that I am to be patient, long suffering and kind. Even to myself and my efforts. Whew! There are so many things to remember but maybe understanding what it takes for me to be diligent will help me be more so.
Alma 7:23-24:
Temperate in all things. Hmmm. I like the definition from Merriam-Webster: "moderate in indulgence of appetite or desire. Mild" There are times that I get so focused on something that I want that I can not see clearly to doing anything else. Whether it has to do with the amount or type of food I eat to the type or amount of clothing I buy my children it is a characteristic I wish to develop more.
Doctrine & Covenants 121:45:
Confidence. In the dictionary confidence means, "faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way.". The footnote for confidence says it's Trust in God. I took out the word confidence in the scripture and replaced it with the footnote. The scripture now says, "Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy "trust in God" wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven." If I do what this scripture says then I will have confidence in God that he will grant me the blessings and sweetest desires of my heart. I don't know about you but I'd rather trust in God more than myself anyway; It means so much more to me now.
I hope to be a promoter of families, more diligent, temperate, and confident in God. I hope to be a lot more than that but this is a great start.



Personal Progress Journal Entry Divine Nature #7 Value

Our family has been reconstructing the atmosphere within our home. We have established laws to help us, one being edification.  We have seen a distinct change in our relationships.  We no longer have drawings of our children with "Dork"  written across it.  We can have fun without making a slap in the face to our divinity.

The difficulty is when we’re angry and feeling that the person truly is a dork; thereby sharing that sentiment, quite loudly. It’s a peace crusher.

We established consequences for following this law. The people involved are to hold hands until calm has returned, recognize our fault, apologize and make restitution. Finally, we’re to commit to not doing it again. The good consequence is continued peace or kind words given in response. The children might even get a surprise for their efforts.

Thanks to a book I received titled, "Teaching Your Children Responsibility" by Linda and Richard Eyre, we’re using a trigger word to remind us of our goal.  The word is "G.C.", representing, General Contractor. We are the General Contractors to building edification in our home.

Friday, December 2, 2011

What Are Mommies Made Of? by chrisroll
Divine Nature Journal Entry Value #2
My mother is the first woman I have looked at for attributes on being a mother. She has many wonderful qualities but the one that has stood out to me the clearest is how tender she is with others.
She has always encouraged us children to look at the other person's point of view. I remember being shocked when the one time she said anything negative about someone was to say that that person was being judgmental towards her and that it bothered her.
An example of her kindness was when she took care of a stray coyote shepherd mix who had just had pups. She would water and hand feed the puppies. It was not convenient or even publicly accepted. She even brought home a pup giving him a good home naming it Wylee Coyote. It's a perfect example of what my mother is made of.
I think of this nursery rhyme that hung on my mom's bedroom wall while I grew up!!
I added a verse for mothers

What are little boys made of?

Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails
That's what little boys are made of !"
What are little girls made of?
"Sugar and spice and all things nice
That's what little girls are made of!"
What are mommies made of?
Charity Untold and everything Gold
That's what mommies are made of!!

How are you teaching your children to love?
I challenge you to do what most mothers have said to their children; if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Acceptance, Courage, and Pretending

Acceptance, Courage, and Pretending
used by permission of Master isolated images

Life has it’s ups and downs.  The heart wrenching ride has taught me about acceptance, courage, and that it’s o.k. to pretend.
One day I gathered myself and my four youngest to go exercise. I was meeting a couple of  ladies, so there was some social benefit as well.  I was very anxious about taking my kids with me and I didn’t know if it would be worth all the effort.  I told myself, “take courage” and off we went.  
My 4 month old began to wail.  I gathered more courage ‘cause I really wanted to go home right then.  I picked up my cranky baby, modified my movements and kept on going.  I thought it was funny when my 5 year old asked, “Mom, why are you pretending?”  I explained that I was doing my best and because I was taking care of the baby I had to exercise a little differently.  
About 8 years ago, courage left me.  I couldn’t find it.  I couldn’t even wish for it.  I didn’t even want to.  I was dealing with a depression that was brought on by having hypothyroid.  
Courage has slowly returned.  There are times when I ask myself, “Christine, why are you pretending?”  I take courage, modify my movements, and then lovingly respond, “You’re doing your best and because you’re doing God’s will you have to do things a little different.” and keep on going.