Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Divine Nature Journal Entry Value #6


Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. I've always wanted to be a peacemaker. It's typically a pretty easy thing for me but there are times and situations that I am really bad at it. In fact, I'm at the point that makes me believe that I have no talent in it at all. 
I have lost all patience for a dirty home. It drives me crazy that I can't seem to get kids to put things away. I have learned that there are several habits that I could have established differently in order to help. 1. Prioritizing and making time for the kids to put their shoes or clothes away before the next task instead of leaving them on the floor. 
I used to think that if we had a bigger house then they would be able to do it easier. The simple truth is; the habit is not there. It makes me feel sad. I feel that a simple task like this should have been learned years ago. I feel like a failure in this and so when I walk around and see that yet again, the shoes and clothes are not put away, my confidence and determination goes to the wayside. This is when I start barking orders or demanding results without the kindness that should go along with it. 
I'm trying to help the kids establish a routine. I know some of my kids are catching on and they are the organized type. They are the ones that love order. The others are simply not disciplined or responsible enough yet. I'll keep on keeping on. Hopefully, by the time they go on their missions or go to college they'll be ready to not be a nuisance to their roommates.
I hope that I'll continue to improve in my responsibility to teach my children and be patient as they learn basic habits. This will help me be the peacemaker I need to be for my family.

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