Personal Progress X7

I became pretty excited when I met with my oldest daughter and her young women leaders. They had just encouraged the mothers to complete the Personal Progress program with their daughters. The mothers would receive the medallion also. Thinking this was pretty cool, I decided I was going to do this with each of my girls. This should be interesting since I have 7!
I had been doing things here and there but with no real plan. We went to the Stake Personal Progress Recognition night before summer break to support two girls in our ward. Each of the girls in the stake who finished the program that year shared a testimony of the goodness it brought to their life. It was wonderful to see their display of what they did for their 10 hour projects. We have some very creative youth and it excited me yet again. My 14 year old daughter informed me that night she would be finished by this time next year.
and then...
I am behind if I'm going to finish with her.
O.K. so I pulled out a big calendar and set goals for myself. I planned out when I would do what and put in my calendar when I would finish. I thought it was very well planned out.
Summer came and went and I got maybe 5 things passed off. Ughhh!!
Apparently, you can keep track of your progress on the internet. It's a rather cool system I think.
All you do is:
1. go to
2. go to the right of the screen and click on personal progress
3. sign in or set up an account if you haven't yet.
I'm excited about keeping track of it online. I can click when I begin a goal and finish it. I can write in my journal online and then print it if I want.
I love setting goals and then looking back and realizing my improvements or at least my efforts in such. This personal progress program gives me a focus to do that. By the time my youngest girl who is two goes through the program I hope to have made some real progress. :)
So, here I am yet again. I am going to finish. I am going to sit down today with my big calendar and get 'er done. Well, the planning anyway. Each time I get a value finished I will post it. I will also let you know how my 10 hour projects go. I'll probably share some of my journal entries because they will certainly pertain to the "Mormon Momma's" platform.
Well, I haven't shared this blog with the world yet but when I do please feel free to cheer me on!! I will need the help. Plus, I'd love to hear your stories about the blessings of the Personal Progress Program.
Right now, my oldest is a little skeptical about me finishing with her. I don't blame her!! Haha.
Yet, excitement and hope is blazing and by next spring TWO medallions will be carried home to our house.
Love you all!
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