Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today is your day

I love this song.  I woke up feeling a little overwhelmed so I went to one of my "go to" songs.  

Last week I posted a portion of the article by N. Eldon Tanner originally printed in the 1975 New Era 
This part of his article was very comforting for me today as I struggled with motivation to keep on pushing through. 
I hope it helps you as well.

Make Your Day
I knew a young woman who was taught the gospel and who wanted to join the Church but who was having trouble with the Word of Wisdom. She used cigarettes and coffee, and the thought of never having another cigarette or cup of coffee in her whole life overwhelmed her. One of the missionaries told her to try it for just one day and then just one more day. She found that by living it a day at a time she could make it, and she was soon baptized. The same would be true in changing any bad habit for a good one.
The greatest blessing one can enjoy in life is to go to bed at night with a clear conscience, knowing that he or she has lived that day in harmony with the teachings of the Savior and has accomplished the work assigned to him or her to do.
So we come now to the first day of the rest of our lives. With discipline and determination let us make it a good year and a good life for us and for our families and neighbors. It is desirable to begin each new day with resolves such as these or some others of your own choosing.

Just for Today

    I will seek my Heavenly Father in earnest prayer. I will listen for the promptings of the Spirit to guide me.
    I will express my love for God and His Son, Jesus Christ, in prayer and will show my love for Them through service to my fellowmen.
    I will study and strive for more understanding of the gospel.
    I will seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
    I will listen to and heed the counsel of God’s prophet. I will keep the covenants and commandments.
    I will teach someone about the gospel by word or by example.
    I will observe the standards of the Church.
    I will express through word and deed my love for my family.
    I will be honest in all my dealings.
    I will prepare myself for the tasks that have been assigned to me.
    I will do a kind deed for someone this day.
    I will express appreciation and gratitude for all blessings.
    I will be loyal where I should be loyal.

Take Care of your dreams

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