I worked really hard to get the laundry space I have to get it organized and it was wonderful.
AWWW. It was Nice....
Then two days later a couple of my girls decided to change some things about the area, knocking over dressers and adding other furniture to the space.
All I could think was, as my Grandma would say,
I was defeated.
Let's not focus on the martyred feelings I had to fight.
That was a month ago.
I hope by the end of the week to have things put back together yet again but ultimately that is not the problem.
I'm working on getting the 10 year old's and older to do their own laundry but I need to change myself first.
In order to stay on top of my laundry at my house I need to do 2 loads of laundry a day.
I'm pretty good about getting those two loads in the washing machine and one into the dryer but that's where my habit stops.
Truth be told, I should celebrate that small step because I need all the successes I can get.
So here goes....
"Yeah...I start 2 loads of laundry every day!"
In order to be a better example for my children I will
1. Celebrate working on laundry
2. Finish 2 loads of laundry a day.
In Honor of improving my "finish my load of laundry" habit I thought I'd share this song.
This is my focus for the month of November. I hope to report back at the end of it and say it is a habit now.
Report of ChristineJamesZestQuest Goals for Oct 2012
I didn't do much with this until this morning. We are working on a fundraiser with the school that will be turned in next week.
We will be hosting a car wash on the 12th of Nov.
*Establish and make my morning routine a habit
Taking out the trash and starting a load of laundry became a stronger habit
*Learn more about BlogTalkRadio to prepare for show launch in December
I feel very much out of my element with this project but I have learned a lot. I'm getting there.
*Create a Logo for ChristineJamesZestQuest
I ordered a logo through Fiverr.com---love it
*Have a Jingle created for ChristineJamesZestQuest
I ordered this from customdrumloops on fiverr.com--love it--My kids run around singing it. They think it's awesome that their mommy's name is in it.
*Have an itunes podcast account set up for ChristineJamesZestQuest
*Get a schedule with confirmed interviews for ChristineJamesZestQuest for Dec. and January
I wrote down who I wanted and contacted one person. I'm having to get brave.
*Write in book everyday
Did not write in book at all. But listened to a creative writing course offered at BYU by Branden Sanderson. I learned tons. I hope to implement the ideas.
*Write on blog everyday consider sharing to google plus. Sometimes share on facebook
I've posted almost every day on blog. I've created a business page on facebook. It's a bit scary to put yourself out there. I posted a couple of times to google plus. I've decided to use twitter as a platform as well.
ChristineJamesZestQuest Goals for Nov 2012
*Help children earn $500 to pay for registration for 4 of my children and myself to go to Washington D.C.
-Help at the car wash on the 12.
-Do a window washing/bake sale fundraiser. Call and get permission.
*Establish and make my morning routine a habit
-Don't just start the load of laundry; finish it. :)
*Learn more about BlogTalkRadio to prepare for show launch in December
-Continue to learn
-Set a date
-Do a couple of practice shows
*Get a schedule with confirmed interviews for ChristineJamesZestQuest for Dec. and January
-Set up for week 1- The A.V. Creche Festival
-Set up for week 2-Family Traditions
-Set up for week 3-Musical Talent
-Set up for week 4&5 series on the Life of Christ in the Bible
-Week 1 in Jan-Achieving Goals
-Week 2 in Jan-Musical Talent
-Week 3 in Jan-In celebration of the Presidential Inauguration-Freedoms
-Week 4 in Jan-My customdrumloops friend
-Week 5 in Jan-Organization
*Write in book everyday
-Create my conflicts
-Write every day
*Write on blog every day consider sharing to google plus. Share on facebook and Twitter
-Use the 15 min. rule for my social networking. Allow 15 more minutes for Facebook.
-Create a YouTube video to go along with the jingle that was created. Have my kids in it.
-Create a Vision Statement and make sure that my Branding is Clear and Concise.