Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"R Fam Is Gr8"
When I was a little girl I thought my family was the best!!
My dad was the strongest and could beat up anybody. 
My mom was the nicest and most beautiful person around. 
They are both still quite fantastic, but somewhere along the road our understanding changes.
 I think however, that I will never forget that 
"R Fam Is Gr8"
I spoke to my children recently at one of our Family Home Evenings. 
I told them that I knew God wanted them all here in this family. I explained that I prayed about every single one of them and when they should come to our family. These were very heart wrenching prayers at times, because I didn't feel I was very capable. The point I was hoping to make was that they needed to learn to get along and love each other because He was in charge and sent them to our family because we would be GR8 together.
Recently I spoke to both my younger brother and sister at different times and they asked me about my blog.  They had noticed that I hadn't posted in a while. I could tell it was a little awkward for them as they didn't want to step on my toes. I'll admit, it was like chewing on dirt for me, cause it sort of caused a self deprecating agitation inside.  I want them to know that I am very grateful that they are my brother and sister. I need each of my family members and appreciate their love and concern and acknowledge that
"R Fam Is still Gr8" .

this picture of my two youngest reminds me of my younger bro. and sis.

We keep moving forward, opening new 
doors, and doing new things, because we're 
curious and curiosity keeps leading us down 
new paths.
                                                                           Walt Disney